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How to Setup and Run a Magento Store on Kubernetes

In the dynamic world of ecommerce, 92% of businesses are leveraging containerization to power their online stores. Kubernetes, the leading container orchestration platform, offers a powerful and scalable solution for deploying and managing Magento 2, enabling retailers to benefit from features like automated scaling, high availability, load balancing, and deployment automation.

This article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to set up and run a Magento eCommerce store on the Kubernetes container orchestration platform. We’ll cover the necessary prerequisites, steps to create a minimal Magento 2 deployment on Kubernetes, handling cron jobs, and architectural considerations for Magento on Kubernetes. Additionally, we’ll explore the advantages of running Magento 2 on Kubernetes in the AWS cloud, including cost optimization strategies and the process of migrating Magento to Kubernetes.

How to, Setup, Run, Magento Store, Kubernets

Key Takeaways

  • Kubernetes offers a scalable and reliable platform for deploying and managing Magento 2 stores.
  • Leveraging Kubernetes on the AWS cloud provides enhanced scalability, high availability, and simplified deployment.
  • Migrating Magento to Kubernetes can address challenges with traditional hosting setups, including resource constraints and lack of automation.
  • Cost optimization strategies, such as right-sizing resources and leveraging the benefits of containerization, can help reduce the overall hosting expenses.
  • Architectural considerations, including pod patterns and container configurations, are crucial for optimizing Magento 2 deployments on Kubernetes.

Prerequisites for Running Magento 2 on Kubernetes

Before diving into the process of setting up and running a Magento 2 store on Kubernetes, it’s important to ensure you have a solid understanding of the key concepts and requirements. This article assumes you have a fundamental grasp of operating Magento 2, working with containers (Docker), and the basic principles of Kubernetes.

Understanding Magento 2, Containers, and Kubernetes Basics

To successfully deploy and manage your Magento 2 store on Kubernetes, you should have a working knowledge of Magento 2 as an ecommerce platform, as well as the basics of containerization with Docker and the container orchestration capabilities provided by Kubernetes.

System Requirements

The Kubernetes cluster you use for your Magento 2 deployment should meet the following system requirements:

  • At least 4 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM available
  • An NGINX Ingress Controller installed to provide access to your Magento 2 application
  • A default Storage Class configured to handle persistent storage for your Magento 2 components

Essential Tools

In addition to the Kubernetes cluster, you’ll need the following tools to simplify the deployment process:

  1. kubectl with the correct context configured to interact with your Kubernetes cluster
  2. make (optional but recommended) to streamline the deployment and management of your Magento 2 application on Kubernetes

By ensuring you have the necessary prerequisites in place, you’ll be well-positioned to successfully deploy and manage your Magento 2 store on the Kubernetes platform, taking advantage of its scalability, high availability, and deployment automation features.

Step 1: Create a Minimal Magento 2 Deployment

To begin our Magento 2 deployment on Kubernetes, we’ll need a container running the Magento application itself. When deploying a PHP web application on Kubernetes, there are various patterns to consider, such as the all-in-one container, NGINX and PHP-FPM in a single container, a single pod running two containers, and web server and PHP in separate pods. For this initial deployment, we’ll be using the NGINX and PHP-FPM in a single Magento container configuration.

Magento Container Image

The Magento container will be the foundation of our Kubernetes deployment. It will include both the NGINX web server and the PHP-FPM process, allowing us to manage and configure the application environment more effectively.

Configuring Magento with Environment Variables

When deploying Kubernetes applications, it’s best practice to configure each program by setting environment variables on its container. Magento 2 has the ability to pick up settings from the environment, enabling us to control environment-specific configuration like database credentials using these environment variables.

Managing Logs

Another important consideration when deploying Magento 2 on Kubernetes is ensuring all relevant logs survive container restarts and are easily accessible. The simplest solution would be to use a PersistentVolume for the var/log and var/reports directories. However, to satisfy both log persistence and performance, multiple options are available, such as using a sidecar container or logging directly to stdout.

Cron Jobs for Magento on Kubernetes

Magento relies on cron jobs for several of its critical features. In a traditional deployment scenario, you would typically assign one of the hosts to run the cronjobs and configure them directly via crontab. However, such a setup would not work well with Kubernetes, as there is no single Magento instance (container) that is guaranteed to be always running.

To address this challenge, we’ll utilize a Kubernetes CronJob to execute the bin/magento cron:run command every minute. This approach allows us to delegate the responsibility of scheduling and running cron jobs to Kubernetes, which will start a new Pod for each execution and run the given commands until completion.

By leveraging Kubernetes CronJobs, we can ensure that the necessary cron jobs are executed reliably, even in a dynamic Kubernetes environment where the individual Magento containers may be scaling up or down based on demand. This setup provides a robust and scalable solution for managing the critical cron-based processes that power your Magento store running on the Kubernetes platform.

Guide On How to Setup and Run a Magento Store on Kubernetes

This section provides a comprehensive guide on how to set up and run a Magento eCommerce store on the Kubernetes container orchestration platform. The article covers the necessary steps, including creating a minimal Magento 2 deployment, configuring Magento with environment variables, managing logs, and setting up cron jobs. By leveraging Kubernetes, retailers can benefit from features like automated scaling, high availability, load balancing, and deployment automation, making it an attractive solution for running Magento 2 stores.

The Magento 2 on Kubernetes deployment process involves several key elements. First, we’ll need to create a minimal Magento 2 deployment using Kubernetes. This includes setting up the Magento container image, configuring Magento with environment variables, and ensuring proper log management. Additionally, we’ll address the critical issue of cron jobs for Magento on Kubernetes, leveraging Kubernetes CronJob resources to handle scheduled tasks reliably.

By following the steps outlined in this section, online retailers can seamlessly deploy and manage their Magento 2 stores on the Kubernetes platform, unlocking the benefits of enhanced scalability, high availability, and streamlined deployment processes. This approach empowers merchants to focus on delivering exceptional ecommerce experiences to their customers, while Kubernetes handles the underlying infrastructure challenges.

Deploying Magento 2 on Kubernetes: Architectural Considerations

When deploying a PHP web application like Magento 2 on the Kubernetes container orchestration platform, there are various architectural patterns to consider. Each of these patterns offers unique advantages and trade-offs in terms of complexity, resource allocation, and file sharing between containers. Let’s explore the key options for running Magento 2 on Kubernetes:

PHP Web Application Pod Patterns

The choice of pod pattern can significantly impact the deployment, scalability, and manageability of your Magento 2 application on Kubernetes. These patterns include the all-in-one container, NGINX and PHP-FPM in a single container, a single pod running two containers, and web server and PHP in separate pods.

All-in-One Container

The most straightforward arrangement is to have a single container running Apache 2 with mod_php in a single process. This all-in-one container is the easiest to configure and manage, but you might want to consider using NGINX to serve static content after all – either as a dedicated pod or a caching reverse-proxy.

NGINX and PHP-FPM in a Single Container

In this configuration, NGINX and PHP-FPM are running in a single container, communicating over the network instead of a socket. This way, you don’t need a process manager like supervisord, and you can assign specific readiness and liveliness probes to each component as well as have more control over resource allocation.

Single Pod Running Two Containers

In this configuration, NGINX and PHP-FPM are running in separate containers, communicating over the network. This allows you to scale PHP and NGINX pods independently, but you need to configure proper persistent volumes for static assets, as you cannot use an emptyDir volume to share files between the pods.

Web Server and PHP in Separate Pods

This pattern is quite similar to the previous one, except it allows you to scale PHP and NGINX pods independently. As with the single pod running two containers, you cannot use an emptyDir volume here to share files between the pods and need to configure proper persistent volumes for static assets.

magento kubernetes architecture

Magento 2 with Kubernetes on AWS Cloud

Deploying Magento 2 on Kubernetes in the AWS cloud offers several benefits, including enhanced scalability, improved resource utilization, high availability and disaster recovery, simplified deployment and integration, and portability and flexibility. Kubernetes makes it easier to deploy and manage Magento 2, while AWS provides a scalable and reliable infrastructure.

Scalability and Resource Utilization

Kubernetes on AWS EKS enhances scalability and optimizes resource utilization. It allows retailers to grow their online businesses smoothly, while minimizing wasted resources and reducing cloud infrastructure costs. The use of Helm charts for Magento 2 deployment provides consistent performance and improves the customer experience.

High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service ensures continuous availability for Magento 2 deployments, protecting brand reputation and ensuring uninterrupted commerce operations. The managed Kubernetes clusters on AWS EKS are designed to handle failures efficiently, facilitating quick recovery and business continuity.

Simplified Deployment and Integration

Using Helm charts simplifies the deployment process for Magento 2 applications on AWS EKS, enabling faster time to market. The simplified deployment allows retailers to focus more on developing applications that make a difference for their customers, rather than dealing with the complexities of infrastructure management.

Portability and Flexibility

Kubernetes on AWS EKS provides portability and flexibility for retailers. They can choose the most suitable cloud environment and ensure flexibility and futureproofing for their Magento 2 deployments. It also supports hybrid cloud deployments, allowing retailers to operate on-premises and in the cloud.

8 Steps to Deploy Magento on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service

Deploying Magento on the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) involves a comprehensive process to ensure a seamless and scalable ecommerce solution. This article outlines the 8 essential steps to successfully set up and launch your Magento store on the AWS EKS platform:

  1. Set up your AWS account: Begin by ensuring you have an active AWS account and the necessary permissions to create and manage EKS resources.
  2. Create an EKS cluster: Utilize the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI to provision a new EKS cluster, configuring it with the appropriate node groups and network settings.
  3. Configure your local environment: Prepare your development machine by installing the required tools, such as kubectl and Helm, and setting up the correct AWS credentials and EKS cluster context.
  4. Install Magento using Helm charts: Leverage Helm, the Kubernetes package manager, to deploy the Magento application and its supporting components, such as the database and caching services.
  5. Configure load balancing: Set up an Ingress controller, such as NGINX Ingress, to handle incoming traffic and route it to the appropriate Magento services.
  6. Set up storage: Provision persistent storage volumes for your Magento application, ensuring data persistence and reliable file storage.
  7. Secure your installation: Implement security best practices, such as securing your Magento admin panel, configuring HTTPS, and managing SSL/TLS certificates.
  8. Launch and verify the deployment: Once all the necessary components are set up, launch your Magento application and verify its functionality, performance, and accessibility.

By following these 8 steps, you can successfully deploy your Magento ecommerce store on the AWS Kubernetes platform, leveraging the benefits of scalability, high availability, and deployment automation.

Magento on EKS Cost Comparisons and Optimization Strategies

When evaluating the deployment of Magento on Kubernetes, particularly on the AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), the cost implications are crucial. This section compares the expenses of running Magento on traditional hosting platforms versus the Kubernetes-based approach, highlighting the benefits and cost-saving opportunities of the latter.

Traditional Magento hosting often requires substantial investments in large dedicated servers, complex infrastructure management, and specialized support teams. In contrast, running Magento on AWS EKS leverages the scalability and resource optimization of Kubernetes, leading to significant cost savings.

Cost Factor Traditional Hosting Kubernetes (AWS EKS)
Infrastructure Provisioning High upfront costs for dedicated servers Reduced infrastructure expenses through container-based deployment and on-demand scaling
Resource Utilization Potential for underutilized or overprovisioned resources Optimized resource utilization through Kubernetes’ intelligent scaling and automatic right-sizing
Maintenance and Support Requires specialized in-house teams for system administration and troubleshooting Reduced maintenance overhead with the managed Kubernetes service (AWS EKS)
Scalability and High Availability Costly and complex to scale up or down to meet changing demands Seamless scaling and high availability provided by the Kubernetes platform on AWS EKS
Migration Costs Significant upfront costs and effort to migrate from traditional hosting Potential cost savings through a well-planned migration strategy and leveraging cloud-native tools

To optimize the cost-effectiveness of running Magento on AWS EKS, retailers can implement the following strategies:

  1. Right-sizing Resources: Continuously monitor and adjust the resource allocations (CPU, memory, storage) to match the actual demands of the Magento application, ensuring optimal utilization and avoiding over-provisioning.
  2. Leveraging Containerization Benefits: Containerizing the Magento application and its dependencies can lead to better resource sharing, reduced infrastructure costs, and easier scalability.
  3. Implementing Monitoring and Optimization: Utilize monitoring tools and techniques to identify and address performance bottlenecks, optimize deployments, and implement autoscaling policies to handle traffic fluctuations efficiently.
  4. Considering Migration Costs: Carefully evaluate the costs and benefits of migrating from traditional hosting to Kubernetes on AWS EKS, considering factors such as the complexity of the existing setup, the potential for long-term cost savings, and the available expertise for a successful migration.

By adopting these cost optimization strategies, retailers can maximize the cost-effectiveness of their Magento deployments on the AWS cloud, ensuring a more efficient and profitable ecommerce operation.

Migrating Magento to Kubernetes: Challenges and Solutions

Background Information

The traditional hosting setup for Magento 1 and 2 has often involved the use of large dedicated servers, the introduction of flat tables, and the adoption of caching solutions like memcache or redis. This approach, however, has faced several challenges, including the need for substantial server resources and the complexity of managing code distribution and synchronization across multiple servers.

Problems with Traditional Hosting Setup

The traditional hosting setup for Magento has encountered various issues, such as the requirement for large dedicated servers to handle the platform’s resource-intensive nature. Additionally, the lack of scalability and automation features has made it difficult to effectively manage traffic spikes and resource demands, hampering the overall performance and availability of Magento stores.

Issues with Rackspace Cloud

The article also discusses the challenges faced with the authors’ previous hosting setup on the Rackspace Cloud. These include problems with the hardware load balancer and firewall, the centralized server running cache and distributing code, and the difficulties encountered with Rackspace’s support and services. The Rackspace Cloud setup also lacked container-based hosting and deployment options, further limiting the flexibility and scalability of the Magento platform.

Wishlist for a New Hosting Environment

Based on the shortcomings of the traditional hosting setup and the Rackspace Cloud experience, the authors have developed a wishlist for their new hosting environment. This includes requirements such as automatic scaling, lower costs, advanced security options, support for containers, reliable services, and fast global performance. These features are essential for ensuring the optimal deployment and management of Magento stores, especially in the context of the Kubernetes container orchestration platform.


This article has provided a comprehensive guide on how to set up and run a Magento eCommerce store on the Kubernetes container orchestration platform, with a focus on deploying Magento 2 on the AWS cloud. By leveraging Kubernetes and AWS services, retailers can benefit from enhanced scalability, improved resource utilization, high availability, simplified deployment, and increased portability and flexibility for their Magento 2 stores.

The article has covered the necessary prerequisites, steps for a minimal Magento 2 deployment, architectural considerations, and strategies for migrating Magento to Kubernetes. By following the guidance provided, retailers can optimize their Magento 2 deployments and deliver a superior online shopping experience for their customers.

Through the integration of Magento, Kubernetes, and the AWS cloud, retailers can streamline their ecommerce operations, leverage the power of containerization, and scale their businesses to meet the evolving demands of the digital marketplace. This comprehensive approach ensures that Magento 2 stores can thrive in the modern ecommerce landscape, providing a robust and reliable platform for online sales and customer engagement.

SAYYES MEDIA SOLUTIONS stands out as a leader in Magento 2 Development, proudly boasting a team of Adobe Certified Magento Developers. Our expertise extends beyond standard development; we excel in setting up and running Magento stores on Kubernetes, ensuring robust performance and scalability. Whether you’re launching a new Magento store or optimizing an existing one, our team is equipped with the knowledge and experience to deliver exceptional results. Ready to elevate your e-commerce experience? Visit https://www.symsweb.com/ or email us at hello@symsweb.com to talk to our experts today.


What are the prerequisites for running Magento 2 on Kubernetes?

The key prerequisites include having a running Kubernetes cluster with at least 4 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM, an NGINX Ingress Controller installed, and a default Storage Class configured. You’ll also need the necessary tools like kubectl and make (optional but recommended).

How do I create a minimal Magento 2 deployment on Kubernetes?

To create a minimal Magento 2 deployment on Kubernetes, you’ll need to set up a container running Magento itself. The recommended configuration is to use NGINX and PHP-FPM in a single container, which simplifies the setup and allows you to configure environment-specific settings using environment variables.

How do I handle cron jobs for Magento on Kubernetes?

To address the challenge of running cron jobs in a Kubernetes environment, where there is no single Magento instance (container) that is guaranteed to be always running, you can use a Kubernetes CronJob to execute the bin/magento cron:run command every minute. This delegates the responsibility of scheduling and running cron jobs to Kubernetes.

What are the architectural considerations when deploying Magento 2 on Kubernetes?

When deploying a PHP web application like Magento 2 on Kubernetes, there are different pod patterns to consider, such as the all-in-one container, NGINX and PHP-FPM in a single container, a single pod running two containers, and web server and PHP in separate pods. Each pattern has its own advantages and trade-offs in terms of complexity, resource allocation, and file sharing between containers.

What are the benefits of running Magento 2 on Kubernetes in the AWS cloud?

Running Magento 2 on Kubernetes in the AWS cloud offers several benefits, including enhanced scalability, improved resource utilization, high availability and disaster recovery, simplified deployment and integration, and increased portability and flexibility for your Magento 2 stores.

What are the steps to deploy Magento on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)?

The 8 steps to deploy Magento on AWS EKS include: 1) Set up your AWS account, 2) Create an EKS cluster, 3) Configure your local environment, 4) Install Magento using Helm charts, 5) Configure load balancing, 6) Set up storage, 7) Secure your installation, and 8) Launch and verify the deployment.

How can I optimize the costs of running Magento on Kubernetes in the AWS cloud?

To optimize the costs of running Magento on AWS EKS, you can implement strategies such as right-sizing resources, leveraging the benefits of containerization, implementing monitoring and optimization, and considering the migration costs. These strategies can help maximize the cost-effectiveness of your Magento deployments on the AWS cloud.